Sunday, January 9, 2011

Shillang, why do you love me?

This is a reponse to the earlier fic..

Hyun Joong and Hwangbo were enjoying a tub of ice cream while watching a romantic film. Suddenly, Jins- Hwangbo’s pet came out of their room. The dog jumped in between the two.

“Come on Jins, come to Daddy”, HyunJoong called the dog. The dog immediately climbed into HyungJoong’s lap and they started playing. Meanwhile, Hwangbo is still busy eating ice cream. Seeing now that her boyfriend is busy playing with Jins, she asked him

“So shillang, now it’s my turn to ask.” She paused after getting his attention. “Why do you love me?”

HyunJoong answered her with a smile, “Hmmm, Buin, how will I put it to words?”

Hwangbo immediately quipped, “Is that so hard to answer?”

“Well, I love you because you are beautiful.” Hyun Joong simply stated. “I love your beautiful face and gorgeous body. I don’t really wonder why all those young boys are so crazy over you. See, that perfect hour glass figure?” Hyung joong looked very sleazy at Buin while talking. “This type of body is to die for. Paired with a very angelic face and you’ve got a complete dynamite package.”

Disbelieving, Hwangbo asked her boyfriend, “ Ya! Then why do you always give me anti aging creams?”

Hyungjoong, this time answered, “That is just to tease you Buin. You know how I love teasing you, Ok”. Hwangbo just nodded her head and the man just continued. “I love you because you have a big heart. You are very compassionate with your friend and you always lend them a hand. You do charity works because you love helping out other people. I never met someone as beautiful as you ."

“I love watching you sleep. When I caught you sleeping in the couch while waiting for me, it really gave me the feeling of being home. I can stare at your sleeping face for hours and not get bored at all.” “Do you want to hear more” Hyunjoong asked her to which she responded with a big yes and a kiss.

“I love you because, you always cook for me.” Hyunjoong continued. “Thank God I ‘m doing a lot of trainings and events or else I’ll be as big as a baby whale because of all the delicious foods you prepare for me”. “By the way, I love you also because I love competing with you.” He continued as Hwangbo raised her eyebrows. “I can see myself competing with you even if we’re already old and already with our kids”.

Hwangbo interrupted him, “Oh, so you’re now planning to have kids? So how many kids would you like to have” she jokingly asked Hyunjoong.

“About 5 to 6”, answered Hyunjoong. “I actually want a soccer team of my own. As soon as you agree to marry me, we will be very busy starting our Kim soccer team” he even added. Hwangbo choose to ignore him and just rolled her eyes.

“Seriously now, Hye Jung”. Hyung Joong called her. He held her hand, and started talking. “I love you because, you are LOVE to me. You made me realize that I can open up myself to someone and be happy with it. You made me feel what it is to love and be loved in return. Loving you is something I never imagined. When you came, it’s like my life was transformed from a plain and blank canvas to a beautiful work of art. Though I may not say it often, I am very thankful that you are sharing your life with me. I do love you, Hye Jung, you are my one and only Buin.” Hyun Joong ended his long speech.

Without meaning to, Hwangbo started crying. Confused, Hyun Joong asked her. “Buin, buin, why are you crying?”

Hwangbo still trying to composed herself said” Shillang , how can you say such sweet words.”

He just simply smiled at her and answered in a very “cool” manner, “Well, Buin you are the reason for all these mushiness so blame it all on yourself.”

Hwangbo contented with everything,just give her boyfriend a sweet kiss and settled herself beside him. Hyun Joong put his arms around her and that’s how they let time pass by. Within each other’s arms- no questions asked.

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